Saturday, April 29, 2006

Story of a stolen Thumb drive

Sometimes in life you wish dinosours were not extinct and could be whisteled to come and gallop you down their throat. That exactly describes my state of mind when I lost the thumb drive given to me by Aniket. Without Aniket the description of my college days will be incomplete. He is my close friend. Calling him a friend is an irony. I never heard him uttering a sentaince without bad words and he was tha master of all sorts of buttering. I learnt a hell lot from him.

He was the one who brought some outsourcing projects I mentioned in my prev. blogs. One of the customers had given a 1 GB pendrive to us. I knew very well that I am absent minded and I ll loose that drive so I kept it in my bag very carefully. As usual we chatted surfed and fokyfied each others in the lab and on the way back to home I just cheked my bag for the drive only to find that it was missing.

Something worth Rs 6000 that could mean all I earnt through these projects would be insufficient to compansate that. huh..

I immediately called all my friends who could possibly had taken the drive. No avail.
I was just imaginating what badwords I am now gonna hear from Aniket. I called him on his phone. Hell0 I said, I uttered the sentence I had prepared for him. Aniket said I ..
I lost the pen drive...
No No It was stolen from my bag....

There was a silence for a few seconds and I just felt it will be great if one of those dinasours could come down to eat me up. But to my surprise no bad words came from other side. He surely was depressed a bit but he understood the situation and it's seriousness. Now thats I think is a sign of a good friend. I would have felt a lot better if he had given bad words for me but his silence was more pathetic for me.

I decided in my mind what I ll do if the customer comes to me she was a girl remind you and the best thing they would do is to cry as I could have guessed.
The story will continue in the next blog..

Monday, April 24, 2006

WebTech fundas

Person designing websites for others for last 5 years has to learn a 2 page note on HTML and reproduce it in examination paper still to see someone else topping the class who probably has not written a single HTML document.

That is the irony of this Subject Web Technologies. The most interesting subject thought in the worst possible way. I am self praising by saying that I don't need lectures in this subject but it is a fact. I could very easily figure out that the lecturer had hardly any knowledge of this subject and was just passing the contents of her textbook to the notebooks of the students without passing through the heads of either.

There was only one thing that I usually do in class if such a situation occurs. I sleep. That is something I enjoy doing while sitting on the first bench. Write from sem 2 I am doing that only difference is that in sem 2 I use to try to stay awake now I don't because I know it is of no use. I never understand what exactly is going on in the class. Not just that I am very proud that I sleep in class. It gives me great pleasure when other nerds (I mean to say other students, I am not a nerd) look at me in a disgusting way. They just try to say "sleeping in class? That's bad. How are you going to learn this topic?" Not just that I encourage others to follow me as well. Now that's art not anyone can master it.

Our WebTch lecturer is a unique mixture. of proud woman and light head. She just pretends to know everything and never admits her mistakes which she comet's regularly.

I was very nicely sleeping on the desk and she said " akshar please leave. You sit on the first bench and sleep? So reticules." Now that was not the first time I was caught but punished.
Sometimes you wish dinosaurs weren't extinct and could be whistled to call em gallop you down. In this case I wanted the dinosaur to eat her into pieces and save me from the comments of my dear friends. I don't need enemies my friends are enough for me.

The whole class was just laughing at me and my foolishness. The nerds Like sudip was heard saying "finally he learnt a lesson". I thought I am not a loser man. I just took my bag and left the classroom and waited out for the class to get over and imagining the humiliation I was going to suffer from Suhas and other dear friends.

Not to my surprised a few other students followed me for more or less the same reason. When the class got over I entered with the expression of a worrier who has just won a big battle. Some congratulated me for my achievement some showed surprise over my courage but everyone wanted to know what happens in the next class.

The next class the mam asked " So Akshar I hope you are not going to sleep again in the class?"

-"I ll try mam." That was shocking reply to a lady who was used to hear yes maam or no mam with nidding heads.

"Sorry! what did you say" she asked

I knew my limits and also knew that she had 5 valuable attendance marks in her hand so I changed my stance and said
"No mam. The mistake wont be repeated"
"Next time I feel sleepy I myself will leave the clas"- This sentaince of course I said in my mind.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

the geek and the n00b

Life in a college is certainly the best time you ever spend in your life. But the those profs. out there somehow dont want this to happen. Their ultimate aim seems to make your life as borign as possible.
That is why we are forced to put our asses on fire writing the dumb assignments and completing the termwork. After writing a 100+ pages assignment there arent many students who can write a program themselves. After learning TCP/IP in two modules people do not know what an RFC means. Thats funny and thats education in India helping one to get into Wipro and Infosys.

But can we dream of Google with that? No certainly not. This blog is no way suggesting anything to improve the situations nor I say situation needs improvement but it's about my life in GEC and how things happened in my life. Some are facts some is just some spice but you need not bother which one is what thats too tough.